Some Tips If You Get Caught Driving When A Hurricane Hits!
As Hurricane Sandy makes its approach on the North East, we must all take precautionary measures to stay safe and sound. Torrential rains, gusting winds, power outages and plenty of flooding are always a given when hurricanes hit. It is important to stock up on things like water, batteries, perishable food, flashlights, candles, etc. and to most importantly stay put in a safe area. However, if you are out on the road when the hurricane hits, follow these steps to ensure your safety. Otherwise, do not drive!
1) First things first, exercise quick thinking! Hurricane winds are rough and can make you lose control of your car or can tip it over, so you want to look for shelter. Getting the vehicle inside a parking garage or under an overpass would be safest, just get it off the road! If you can’t secure the vehicle inside a building then by all means, don’t leave it in a low-lying area prone to flooding. If you have to park it outdoors, park it away from trees, poles or other large objects that may fall onto it.
2) Avoid standing water. If it looks deep then it probably is, avoid driving through standing water which can stall out your vehicle and cause irreparable damage. If the car stalls and you’re in it, you just might become trapped in a situation with quickly rising water levels which can carry you and your vehicle away. More than half of hurricane deaths in the last 30 years resulted from inland flooding according to the National Hurricane Center. Of those deaths, one in four people drowned in their cars when attempting to abandon it.
3) Avoid live wires. NEVER drive over tumbled power lines. If you get stuck in your car and are surrounded by downed live wires, rescue workers will have quite a time trying to safely get you out of your vehicle. Therefore, try not to drive!
4) If you do find yourself stuck, get out right away! As soon as local authorities give you the green light to evacuate your area due to an impending hurricane and flooding, you should leave immediately. Don’t sit on your commonsense and think, that you know more than the weather experts and catastrophe emergency personnel, get out of the hurricane’s path of destruction asap.
5) Steer clear of larger vehicles. Because of their increased surface area, vehicles like trailers, large trucks, and buses are actually more vulnerable when driving in high winds. Be on the lookout for big vehicles and maintain more of a distance than you normally would.
Play it smart and remember safety first, you are more important than any vehicle!
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